Call for Abstract

4th International Conference on High Energy & Particle Physics, will be organized around the theme “The Attempt to find out the major constituents of Matter and Energy”

High Energy Physics 2018 is comprised of 11 tracks and 80 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in High Energy Physics 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

High Energy Physics is the division of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter & radiation. However the word "particle" can refer to several types of very small substances such as protons, gas particles, or even household dust, "particle physics" usually explores the irreducibly smallest visible particles and fundamental interactions necessary to explain their behavior. By the present understanding, these elementary particles are the excitations of quantum fields that also administrate their interactions.

  • Track 1-1Higgs bosons
  • Track 1-2Hadrons
  • Track 1-3X-rays
  • Track 1-4Radioactivity
  • Track 1-5Alpha decay
  • Track 1-6Beta decay
  • Track 1-7Gamma decay
  • Track 1-8Quark-gluon plasma

Particle physics research is mostly concentrated on subatomic particles which include atomic constituents such as electrons, protons and neutrons produced by radioactive and scattering processes such as photons, neutrinos, and muons as well as a wide range of unusual particles. Dynamics of particles is also governed by quantum mechanics and they exhibit wave–particle duality, which display the particle-like behavior under the definite experimental conditions. Nuclear physics research is concentrated mostly on understanding the matter which is composed of quarks and gluons which usually makes up 99% of the mass in the universe. The field of particle physics developed out of nuclear physics and is naturally taught in close association with nuclear physics.

  • Track 2-1Theoretical particle physics
  • Track 2-2Experimental particle physics
  • Track 2-3Theoretical nuclear physics
  • Track 2-4Experimental nuclear physics
  • Track 2-5Subatomic physics
  • Track 2-6Nuclear astrophysics
  • Track 2-7Nucleosynthesis
  • Track 2-8Nuclear forces & nuclear models
  • Track 2-9Nuclear fusion & fission
  • Track 2-10Nucleon-nucleon interactions
  • Track 2-11Nuclear interaction and reactions

Astrophysics only deals with the cosmic rays from the space. With the measurement of these particles allows us to study the elementary particle physics and also the fundamental issues of cosmology. There are such examples for astroparticle physics such as dark matter and antimatter which probe the measurement of neutrinos from outer space and the highest-energy cosmic rays. In recent years the evolution of the universe has taken remarkable strides .While in case of the gravitational force which is only known to provide a very accurate description of the formation of large scale structure like galaxy clusters and at various interplay with the particle physics which has been crucial. With our knowledge the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation combined with the other data such as the apparent acceleration of distant supernovae which suggests that the universe is well described by an early period of inflation.

  • Track 3-1Astronomy
  • Track 3-2Cosmology
  • Track 3-3Gravitational Physics
  • Track 3-4Astrochemistry and Astrobiology
  • Track 3-5Religious cosmology
  • Track 3-6Philosophical cosmology

The study of relativistic heavy-ion collisions is very important and necessary part of the LHC research program which is at CERN. This type of emerging field of research focuses on the study of matter under extreme conditions of temperature, pressure and density.To recreate conditions which are similar to those of the very early universe, powerful accelerators make the head-on collisions between massive ions  such as lead or gold nuclei. In these heavy-ion collisions there are many hundreds of protons and also  the hundreds of  neutrons and they smash almost into one another at the energies of upwards of a few trillion electron volts. This forms a miniscule fireball so that everything melts into a quark-gluon plasma.

  • Track 4-1Collisions
  • Track 4-2Collider Physics
  • Track 4-3Relativistic Boltzmann theory
  • Track 4-4Viscous hydrodynamics
  • Track 4-5Conversation of charge,energy and momentum

String theory which unites all of the four forces of nature such as gravity, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Electromagnetism is the force that holds the magnet, for example, when the magnet is kept to a refrigerator while gravity is the force which is trying to pull it off towards the earth. The strong nuclear force is responsible for holding the magnet that is the central part of atoms together and while the weak nuclear force is involved in removing. In the attempt to this to tie all these four forces together a lot of new interesting ideas and new theories have been proposed. One of the most prompting theory of these new theories is string theory. According to this theory almost all the particles are actually tiny vibrating strings and  each type of these vibration corresponds to a different particles.

  • Track 5-1Electromagnetism and gravitation
  • Track 5-2Electromagnetism fields on D-branes
  • Track 5-3String thermodynamics
  • Track 5-4Quantum open & closed strings
  • Track 5-5Relativistic quantum particles
  • Track 5-6Relativistic & Non-relativistic strings
  • Track 5-7Non-linear electrodynamics
  • Track 5-8Blackhole instabilities and phase transitions

Quantum theory is the theoretic basis of modern physics which explains the nature and the behavior of matter and energy in the atomic as well as subatomic level. The nature and the performance of matter and energy at that level is referred as quantum physics. Quantum physics is the science of small things in which the quantum reality has an effect. Quantum is mentioned as discrete amount or portion. One of the most unexpected and controversial aspects of quantum physics is that it’s impossible to determine with certainty the outcome of a single experiment on a quantum system.

  • Track 6-1Quantum Science
  • Track 6-2Quantum States
  • Track 6-3Quantum Field Theory
  • Track 6-4Quantum Information
  • Track 6-5Quantum Computing
  • Track 6-6Quantum Optics
  • Track 6-7Quantum Mechanics
  • Track 6-8Quantum Chromodynamics

The term plasma refers to the fourth state of matter. The plasma is not only most energetic but also most challenging for researchers in the state of matter. The applications of plasma can even provide the major benefits over existing methods. Often the processes can be performed that are not even possible in any other manner. Plasma can also provide an efficiency increase in the processing methods and also very often can reduce the environmental impact in comparison to more conventional processes.

  • Track 7-1Magnetised & non-magnetised plasma
  • Track 7-2Particle interactions in plasma
  • Track 7-3Waves in warm plasma, hot magnetised plasma and isotropic plasma
  • Track 7-4Complex plasma phenomena
  • Track 7-5Interstellar medium plasma

The interdisciplinary field of materials science which is commonly termed materials science and engineering and it involves in the discovery and design of new materials with an importance on solids. The knowledgeable origins of materials science stem was only clarified when researchers began to use analytical thinking from chemistry, physics and engineering to understand the ancient, phenomenological observations in metallurgy as well as mineralogy. Materials science is a syncretic discipline ceramics, hybridizing metallurgy, solid-state physics and chemistry. It is the first example of a new academic discipline evolving by fusion rather than fission.

  • Track 8-1Smart Materials
  • Track 8-2Composite materials
  • Track 8-3Material Physics
  • Track 8-4Graphene & Fullerenes
  • Track 8-5Quasi Crystals
  • Track 8-6Thin films and Coatings
  • Track 8-7Superconducting Materials

Electromagnetism which is known as the science of charge and forces and fields generally associated with charge. The most important aspect of electromagnetism is the discipline of electricity which is concerned with the behavior of aggregates of charge and also including the distribution of charge inside the matter and even the motion of charge from place to place. Electromagnetism, generally related to the electromagnetic force that results the attraction and repulsion of an electrically charged particles. It is considered as one of the fundamental forces in nature which also comprises gravitational and nuclear forces. The force and conservation laws are only two important aspects of electromagnetism.

  • Track 9-1Electrical & magnetic fields
  • Track 9-2Eddy currents
  • Track 9-3Magnetic permeability and susceptibility
  • Track 9-4Inductance and computational electromagnetics
  • Track 9-5Baryonic & non-baryonic dark matter
  • Track 9-6Superclusters,filaments and voids
  • Track 9-7Dark matter
  • Track 9-8Dark energy

Atomic and molecular physics is the study of atoms and molecules and it is also the field of specialization in the physics. Atomic physicists study single ions and atoms while molecular physicists even investigates very small molecules that are in their gaseous form. Atomic physicists study isolated and separated ions as well as atoms along with the excitation and electron arrangements. Addition to this the electronic excitation states which are known from the atoms and molecules which are able to rotate and as well as to vibrate. These kind of rotations and vibrations are quantized so that, there are also discrete energy levels. Therefore, the smallest energy differences exist between the different rotational states and the pure rotational spectra are far from the infrared region in which the wavelength is about 30 - 150 µm of the electromagnetic spectrum. Vibrational spectra are near to the infrared which is about 1 - 5 µm and thus the spectra resulting from electronic transitions which are mostly the ultraviolet regions.

  • Track 10-1Atomic spectroscopy
  • Track 10-2Atomic optical science
  • Track 10-3Molecular optical sciences
  • Track 10-4Klein-Gordon theory
  • Track 10-5Dirac theory
  • Track 10-6Nuclear wave theory
  • Track 10-7Photo-ionization
  • Track 10-8Field quantization
  • Track 10-9Rotations and vibrations

Nanotechnology is the behavior of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. Originally, the widespread explanation of nanotechnology refers to the particular technological goal of precisely operating atoms as well as molecules for fabrication of macro scale products and now it is referred as molecular nanotechnology. Nanotechnology when it is defined by size is naturally very broad, including fields of science as diverse as micro fabrication, surface science, molecular biology, organic chemistry, semiconductor physics, molecular engineering, etc.

  • Track 11-1Nanoparticles
  • Track 11-2Nanomaterials
  • Track 11-3Nano wires
  • Track 11-4Nano-Structures
  • Track 11-5Advanced Nanomaterials