Day 14 :
- Theoretical and Experimental High Energy Physics | Particle and Nuclear Physics | Astrophysics and Cosmology | String Theory | Electromagnetism
Location: Scala
J Buitrago
University of La Laguna, Spain
Konstantin Meyl
Furtwangen University, Germany
Session Introduction
Musa D Abdullahi
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Nigeria
Title: Extending Coulomb’s law for gravitation and radiation
Time : 11:20-11:45
Musa D Abdullahi obtained his BSc degree in Physics from the University of Manchester, England, in 1965. He was the first person to obtain a postgraduate degree, in Electronics and Telecommunication from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, in August 1968. He taught at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Federal University of Technology, Minna, in Nigeria. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering. He retired from public service in August 2000. He is now Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Physics, UMY University, Katsina, Nigeria. He is a prolific contributor of papers in on-line journals.
The law enunciated by Charles Coulomb, in 1784, giving force of repulsion or attraction between two electric charges, is the most important principle in physics. However, this law is not complete as it does not include force of gravity between charged particles and does not incorporate radiation from accelerated charged particles. This paper extends Coulomb’s law by adding a term for gravitation and invoking aberration of electric field to make speed in an electric field a factor for radiation. In the extended law, accelerating force on a particle of mass m and charge q moving in an electric field E, depends on the speed v, reducing to zero at the speed of light c as a maximum, with emission of radiation and mass remaining constant as the rest mass. This is in contrast to special relativity where accelerating force is qE, independent of speed but mass increases with speed to become infinitely large at the speed of light as a limit. This paper queries the relativistic mass-velocity formula as an infinite mass is not tenable in nature. An important outcome of the paper is that Lorentz factor g has nothing to do with mass m but it is the result of motion of a charged particle perpendicular to an electric field. It is shown that Rutherford’s nuclear model of the hydrogen atom is stable outside quantum mechanics. Balanced electric fields from charges in matter are identified to constitute aether as the medium for gravitation and electromagnetic radiation.
GH.Saleh is a member of Saleh research group
We must know that everything we can’t see or feel, we cannot say that it does not exist. And everything we see or feel, we can't always tell what or how it is made. The mass, by definition, is a measure of resistance of an object to acceleration when a force is applied. And, in principle, the mass occupies space and it is there where the force takes effect. Given what has been said, Dark Matter does not meet the definition of mass. Because it is everywhere but we can't find it. Indeed, what is called Dark Matter is an illusionary definition that must be corrected. Actually there is no Dark Matter, but rather a Vivid Force whose effect holds the structure of galaxies. According to the current theory the Dark Matter effect exists everywhere but it cannot be seen, so it is a force and not a mass. It is called Dark because the science has no knowledge about its nature; the one that we are going to explain and that we can call the Vivid Force. This force is originally created by the difference of a speed at the edge of the Universe and the speed inside the universe. A difference that generates a force toward the center like a vortex. This definition is better suited for galaxy consistency. The enormous difference between the speed at the edges of the Universe and the speed at the supposed center of the Universe causes a vortex force. This same force creates a rotation and a force inward; like a vortex that turns and pushes everything in the center of the rotation. So what is called Dark Matter is only a Vivid Force that is generated from the difference in the speed of rotation of celestial objects at the edge of the Universe and those that rotate near its supposed center.
Konstantin Meyl
Furtwangen University, Germany
Title: A Contribution about the shrinking proton
Time : 12:10-12:35
Konstantin Meyl teaches the subjects power electronics and alternative energy technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen. Being a 15-year-old pupil he already carried out the first measurements on eddy current brakes. His dissertation at the Technical University of Munich (1979), as well as his doctoral theses at the University of Stuttgart (1984) were dedicated to the three-dimensional calculation of eddy current.
I Kanazawa
Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Title: Witten effect and fractional charges on the domain wall and the D-brane- like dot
Time : 12:35-13:00
I Kanazawa has completed his PhD from University of Tokyo. He is the full Professor at Department of physics, Tokyo Gakugei University. He has published more than 200 papers.
The three-dimensional topological insulators BiSb in a certain range composition has been predicted, and Dirac fermions on the surface of these topological insulators have been observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Also, Castelnovo et al have proposed that magnetic monopoles emerge in a class of exotic magnets known collectively as spin ice components Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7. The present authors have proposed that there might be emergent quasiparticles with a fractional electronic charge such as dyons on the domain wall between topological insulators and spin ice components through the Witten effect and interaction between the Dirac fermions and excited magnetic monopoles. In addition, the present author has discussed the origin of the anomalous excitations in the quantum semiconductor-dot, which might correspond to exotic excitations with fractional charges. Furthermore, we will discuss the anomalous excitations on the domain wall and the D-brane-like dot, and the relation to low energy hadron in QCD, from viewpoint of field-theoretical formula.
Valentina Markova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Title: An attempt to find out the major elements of matter and energy using the knowledge of new axioms and laws
Time : 14:00-14:25
Valentina Markova pursued her PhD from the Science Institute at the Ministry of Defense and Postdoctoral studies from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria respectively. She is a Mathematician, a specialist in algebraic encoding and decoding of the information. She has more than 20 reports published in scientific journals and has presented her work at several international conferences. Her research interest include: the new axioms and laws, gravity and major differences between matter and energy.
The present study uses an expanded field theory that has two new axioms and eight laws. It was described from previous author's work and changes the classic field theory to a more general theory. It is known that Maxwell’s laws (1864) are based on a single axiom which states that the movement in a closed loop leads to even movement (with constant speed) of a vector E: div rot E=0. The author replaces this axiom with a new one, according to the movement in an open loop or vortex leads to uneven movement (with variable speed) of a vector E: div rot E≠0 or div V or E≠0. Later on another axiom was created and eight new laws were generated which lead to the following results: The movement in a closed loop is replaced with movement in an open loop (vortex) and even movement is replaced with uneven movement that can be decelerating or accelerating; in 2D there is a cross vortex and in 3D there is a longitudinal vortex; decelerating vortices emit free cross vortices; accelerating vortices suck in the free cross vortices; the cross vortex in 2D is transformed to a longitudinal vortex in 3D through a special transformation Δ1 and the longitudinal vortices in 3D is transformed to a cross vortex in 2D through another special transformation Δ2 and so on. Cross vortices are visible to an external observer because they reflect the sun's rays. Cross vortices can form two kinds’ vortices: a vortex that is generated by primary free-standing cross vortices that is a generic type and the vortex that is formed by the resultant velocity vector and plays a role as a consumer. Each of these may be accelerating or decelerating. These are prototypes of material creations. Longitudinal vortices are invisible to an outside observer because they do not reflect and diffract the sun's rays. The longitudinal vortices can form two types’ bundles: bundle in which the fastest vortex is in the center and forms a gravitational suction funnel and the bundle in which the fastest vortex is at the periphery and forms a gravitational repellent funnel. These are prototypes of energy creations.
Grigorios Panotopoulos
CENTRA-Técnico, Portugal
Title: Radial oscillations of relativistic compact stars
Time : 14:25-14:50
Grigorios Panotopoulos working as Post-Doc FCT in CENTRA-Técnico, Portugal
We investigate the dark matter impact on properties of strange quark stars, such as mass-to-radius profiles and oscillation radial modes. The dark matter particle may be a boson or a fermion. First, in the two-fluid formalism we integrate the structure equations to obtain the interior solution. Next, this solution is plugged into the equations for the perturbations to obtain the frequency radial modes and the corresponding eigenfunctions. The large separation, a good observational signature, is also computed. Author will discuss radial oscillations of neutron stars with an accurate equation-of-state without dark matter.
SIARI Khadidja
University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Algeria
Title: Modeling of an inductively coupled plasma of argon-oxygen mixture at low pressure
Time : 14:50-15:15
SIARI Khadidja is a Doctorant in University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Algeria
Low pressure inductively coupled plasma (ICP) operating at radio-frequency (RF) has found various applications in industrial materials processing. ICP is a source operating at low pressures (below 50 mTorr) to improve uniformity and reduce contamination, and high plasma densities (greater than 1012 cm-3) to produce high ion fluxes at the surface of the substrate resulting in high etch rates and moderate bombardment energies (1-200 eV). In general, many reactive gases and inert gas are widely used in the creation of the plasma. Argon, for instance, is a main gas component in plasma processing. For the molecular gases, oxygen discharges are applied in etching of photoresist and growth of oxide thin films. RF discharges in argon - oxygen mixture with inductive coupling are clearly finding increasing interest. We considered in this study a two-dimensional (2D) model of argon - oxygen plasma created with an RF frequency of 13.56 MHz, a pressure of 20 mTorr and a gas temperature of 500 K, in a planar geometry ICP reactor using a flat coil of three turns, we have modeled an industrial reactor, respecting its geometry, its dimensions and the characteristics of the materials composing it. The model couples the Maxwell electromagnetic equations and the transport equations of the particles present in the plasma. It is developed using commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics. We are interested in three fundamental points: the spatial variation of electron density, electron temperature and electric potential in the center of the discharge, the effect of pressure on ratio of negative ion density to plasma density and the effect of the applied power on ratio of negative ion density to plasma density of a mixture of 70% Ar-30% O2.
V G Plekhanov
Fonoriton Sci. Lab, Estonia
Title: Measurements of the power of strong nuclear interaction in solids
Time : 15:15-15:40
V G Plekhanov has graduated from Tartu State University in 1968, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics). His main interest fields include: the origin of the mass (quantization of matter) as well as the experimental manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction in the spectroscopy of solids. He is author of 197 publications both in English and Russian. His main books: Isotope Effects in Solid State Physics (Academic Press, San Diego, 2001); Isotope - Based Quantum Information (Springer, Heidelberg, 2012); Isotope Effects: Physics and Applications (Palmarium Academic Press, Saarbrucken, Deutschland, 2014) (in Russian); Isotopes in Condensed Matter (Springer, Heidelberg, 2013); Isotope Effect - Macroscopical Manifestation of the Strong Interaction (Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland, 2017) (in Russian).
One of the fundamental goals of subatomic physics is to understand the structure and behavior of strongly interacting matter of its basic constituents, quarks and gluons. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of the strong interaction, responsible for binding quarks through the exchange of gluons to form hadrons (baryons and mesons). Up to now high energy electron (muon) scattering provides investigation into the structure of the proton and the neutron, together known as nucleons, as well as strong nuclear force. Recently it was shown the direct dependence of the energy of interband transition Eg in solids (for example LiHxD1-x crystals) on the strong nuclear interaction. The present report is devoted to advance description of the experimental results demonstrated indicated above dependence. In our experiments we have investigated the low-temperature optical spectra (reflection - Fig. 1 and luminescence) of LiHxD1-x crystals (0≤ x≤ 1) which differ by term of one neutron from each other. The mirror reflection spectra of mixed and pure LiH and LiD crystals cleaved in liquid helium are presented in Figure 1. All spectra have been measured with the same apparatus under the same condition. As the deuterium concentration increases, the long-wave maximum (n=1S excitons) broadens and shifts towards the shorter wavelengths (analogous the shift of zero - phonon line in luminescence spectra). Figure 2 shows the concentration dependence of interband energy transition Eg. We can see that the value of Eg increases with increase of the power of strong interaction. Points derived from the reflection spectra are indicated by crosses, and those from luminescence spectra by triangles. The straight dashed line is the linear dependence of Eg in the virtual crystal model, and the solid line corresponds to calculation using polynomial of second degree. The obtainable experimental results are allowed to the next conclusions. Nonlinear dependence of electron excitations (excitons) on the power of strong nuclear interaction. We should take into consideration the strong interaction in quantum electrodynamics (QED) for description of the dynamics of electron excitations in solids.
Xin Hao
Nankai University, China
Title: Gravity/fluid correspondence around accelerated black hole
Time : 16:00-16:25
Xin Hao is now a Doctoral student at Nankai University. His group have been researching in constructing holographic correspondence beyond the framework of AdS/CFT for years, His major interest is gravity/fluid correspondence, he has achieved some result in this area (JHEP 02(2015)030, PRD 96,046010(2017), Nuclear Physics B 921(2017)689-701), and received the National Scholarship.
In recent works, we found that a kind of Petrov type fluctuations could be mapped to a forced compressible viscous fluid in flat space of one less dimension. In these works we went beyond the framework of the bulk/boundary duality, and the relaxation of bulk/boundary restriction may possibly be a motivator and reminder of deeper understanding of the holographic principle, also we expect that this further generalization of the gravity/fluid correspondence could unearth more potentiality of gravity as a powerful tool in the study of fluid dynamics. Furthur, based on this works and by foliating the four-dimensional C-metric black hole spacetime, we consider a kind of initial value like formulation of the vacuum Einstein’s equation, the holographic initial data is a double consisting of the induced metric and the Brown-York energy-momentum tensor on an arbitrary initial hypersurface. Then by perturbing the initial data that generates the background spacetime, it is shown that, in an appropriate limit, the fluctuation modes are governed by the continuity equation and the compressible Navier-Stokes equation which describe the momentum transport in non-relativistic viscous fluid on a flat Newtonian space. It turns out that the flat space fluid behaves as a pure vortex and the viscosity to entropy ratio is subjected to the black hole acceleration.
George Yury Matveev
IT consultant, Sweden
Title: Motley String and the Standard Model
Time : 16:25-16:50
George Yury Matveev graduated from Leningrad State University, Department of Physics in 1990 with Diploma in Geophysics. Diploma thesis was “String model and computer simulation of Solar flares”. His first job after graduation was Junior Researcher at Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Department of Plasma Physics and Astrophysics, Laboratory of Plasma-Gaso dynamics where he did research of Ion-acoustic waves in plasma. After collapse of USSR Mr. Matveev attempted to continue his education in North America.
In 1994 he applied and was accepted to PhD program in Algebraic Number theory of McGill University in Montreal where he lived at the time. McGill University produced all required documents as well as PhD student ID card. But Immigration du Quebec clerk turned down application for student visa. Unable to legally continue his education Mr. Matveev returned to St. Petersburg, Russia and started working as IT consultant. Among his former IT employers were: Motorola, LGE, Nokia, Ericsson, etc. Mr. Matveev currently works as IT consultant on various projects in Stockholm, Sweden doing research in Mathematics and Physics in his spare time. Any ideas about Research and Employment positions in Science (Theoretical Physics, Math Physics, Mathematics) are Very Welcome!
Ioannis P Zois
TRSC/PPC, Greece
Title: New invariants for 3-manifolds and non-commutative topological quantum field theories
Time : 16:50-17:15
Ioannis P Zois completed his PhD (DPhil) in the year 1996 at the age of 26 from Oxford University UK. He is the Head of Research at the Testing Research & Standards Centre (TRSC) of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) S.A. Greece. He has published more than 30 articles as sole author in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has contributed as coauthor in many others. He has held academic positions in various institutions including Oxford University, IHES, CERN etc. He is currently involved in 3 research projects funded by the Horizon 2020 programme.
We define some new topological invariants for 3 manifolds using the moduli space of taut codim-1 foliations instead of the moduli space of flat connections. In order to construct the new topological invariants we use techniques from ordinary topology and from non-commutative geometry. This article is a sequel in our attempt to construct a non-commutative version of topological quantum field theories, the only known example of generally covariant quantum field theories.