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Valentina Markova

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Title: A generator using a tube of longitudinal accelerating open vortices nested one inside the other for positive feedback


Biography: Valentina Markova


The report develops a new type positive feedback that converts each classical amplifier into a generator. The feedback is a tube of nested one in the other accelerated longitudinal vortices. They suck in transverse direction free cross vortices from the environment. They suck in cross vortices also from the nearest outside adjacent cylinders to the inner cylinders and add some mass and energy to the tube. In this way longitudinal vortices forming the tube accelerate not only at a time and in a direction (from the periphery to the center) and become a kind of generator. The positive feedback turns from passive to active. The theoretical basis of the proposed pipe of accelerating longitudinal vortices is described in previous articles. It consists of extending to Maxwell's main axiom (div rot E=0) to a more universal axiom (div rot E≠0). This means that it replaces even motion (constant velocity) of vector E in a closed loop with uneven motion (variable velocity) of vector E in open loop or in open vortex. The base of practical performance is the well-known amplifier of which we construct an active positive feedback. This allows to construct an electric motor that consumes external energy only at the beginning, and then it consumes from amplifier with active positive feedback.