Cosimo Signorini
University of Padova
Born in Italy, Florence 20/02/1943. Master in Physics (Florence University) 3/12/1965. Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics (Padua University) 24/3/1969.From 1/11/1966 Assistant and subsequently Associate Professor in Nuclear Physics at Padua University till 30/10/1987. Full Professor in Experimental Physics: at Salerno University since 31/10/1987, at Padua University after 1/11/1990, than (since 1/11/2000) Full Professor in Nuclear Physics till retirement in 30/09/2013. Presently Scholar of Padua University after retirement from active teaching due to age. As INFN (Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics) Research Associate: Vice-responsible of the INFN – LNL Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator project (1978-1982). LNL (Legnaro National Laboratories) Director (20/9/1982-31/10/1986). And always active in Nuclear Physics fundamental researches The European Physical Journal A, Editor 1992 - 2012. Referee of the main Nuclear Physics scientific journals: Physical Review C, Physical Reviews Letters, Nuclear Physics A, Physics Letters B, Pramana Journal of Physics. Research activity in Nuclear Physics in Italy and abroad also for long periods: Heidelberg, Munich (D), Utrecht (NL), Tsukuba and Tokyo INS/CNS (University of Tokyo) RIKEN (Japan), Louvain la Neuve (B), ANL (USA). Main research activity in nuclear structure (Spectroscopy) and nuclear reaction dynamics (Fusion at the Coulomb Barrier). He is presently involved in Nuclear Physics with Radioactive Ion Beams. Chairman of relevant Nuclear Physics conferences: RNB (Radioactive Nuclear Beam, I-Cortina d’Ampezzo, 2007), INPC 2013 (International Nuclear Physics Conference, I-Florence 2013).
Research Interest
Nuclear Physics