Romulus Godang
University of South Alabama. USA
United States
Dr. Romulus Godang is the Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, University of South Alabama. He did his M.S. in Physics, Virginia Tech. His interests include the precision measurements of the elements of CKM matrix aimed for understanding the source of asymmetry and behavior between matter and anti-matter including CP violation, testing the Standard Model, and discovering New Physics. Experiments tell us that for every fundamental particle there exists an anti-particle. The big bang is almost certainty produced particles and anti-particles in equal numbers. However, our observations indicate that we live in a universe of matter, not anti-matter. There must be some other undiscovered phenomenon that makes matter and anti-matter behave differently. Its source may lie in the properties of the Higgs Boson, SUper-SYmmetry, Gravitons, Extra Dimensions, Dark Matter, or New Particles.
Research Interest
His interests include the precision measurements of the elements of CKM matrix aimed for understanding the source of asymmetry and behavior between matter and anti-matter including CP violation, testing the Standard Model, and discovering New Physics.