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V A Smolyanskiy

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia


V A Smolyanskiy received his Master’s degree from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). At present, I am a post-graduate student in TPU. I study under the program «Photonics, Instrument Making, Optical and Bioengineering Systems and Technologies», specialty «Instruments and Methods of Control over Environment, Substances, Materials and Products». I also work in the research and production laboratory "Betatron tomography of large-sized objects". My research is devoted to innovative and highly effective methods for generating hard bremsstrahlung with a photon energy of more than 1 MeV for use in high-resolution tomography.


Abstract : Microfocus Bremsstrahlung Source Based on Betatron High-Resolution Radiography and Tomography