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Vladimir G Plekhanov

Fonoriton Sci. Lab, Estonia


Vladimir G Plekhanov has graduated from Tartu State University in 1968, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics). His main interest fields include: the origin of the mass (quantization of matter) as well as the experimental manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction in the spectroscopy of solids. He is author of 197 publications both in English and Russian. His main books: Isotope Effects in Solid State Physics (Academic Press, San Diego, 2001); Isotope - Based Quantum Information (Springer, Heidelberg, 2012); Isotope Effects: Physics and Applications (Palmarium Academic Press, Saarbrucken, Deutschland, 2014) (in Russian); Isotopes in Condensed Matter (Springer, Heidelberg, 2013); Isotope Effect - Macroscopical Manifestation of the Strong Interaction (Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland, 2017) (in Russian).


Abstract : Direct observation of the strong nuclear interaction in the optical spectra of solids