Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 3rd International Conference on High Energy Physics Rome,Italy.

Day :

  • Astrophysics and Cosmology | String Theory | Material Science & Engineering
Location: Olimpica 3+4


Carl R Hagen

University of Rochester, USA



Sachiko Tsuruta

Montana State University, USA


Andreas Eckart is a Full Professor for Experimental Physics at the I Physikalische Institut at the University of Cologne Since January 2000. Since 2006, he is an external member of the Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy (MPIfR) in Bonn, Germany, and scientific member of the Max-Planck-Society (MPG). He is a holder of the Otto Hahn Medal awarded by the Max Planck Society in 1984 and the Manne Siegbahn Medal awarded by the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in 2003, Stockholm University, Sweden. His research interests include galactic center and nuclei of other galaxies.


The compact and, with 4.3+-0.3 million solar masses, very massive object located at the center of the Milky Way is currently the very best candidate for a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in our immediate vicinity. The strongest evidence for this is provided by measurements of stellar orbits, variable X-ray emission, and strongly variable polarized near-infrared emission from the location of the radio source Sagittarius~A* (SgrA*) in the middle of the central stellar cluster. If SgrA* is indeed a SMBH it will, in projection onto the sky, have the largest event horizon and will certainly be the first and most important target of the event horizon telescope (EHT) very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations currently being prepared. It is, however, unclear when the ever mounting evidence for SgrA* being associated with a SMBH will suffice as a convincing proof. Additional compelling evidence may come from future gravitational wave observatories. We treat theory and observations in the framework of the philosophical discussions about (Anti)Realism and Under- determination, as this line of arguments allows us to describe the situation in observational astrophysics with respect to supermassive black holes. Questions concerning the existence of supermassive black holes and in particular SgrA* are discussed using causation as an indispensable element. We show that the results of our investigation are convincingly mapped out by this combination of concepts.


Serge F Timashev is Professor of Physics in Russian University of Friendship, Moscow. He is also a senior researcher in USPolyResearch, USA.  And he is the Head of Laboratory of Membrane Processes. Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow.


Today we can talk about a crisis of the modern astrophysics. The magnitude of the cosmological constant , which in accordance with Einstein’s equations of general relativity (GTR) is determined by the energy density  of the physical vacuum, exceeds the experimentally determined value by 120 orders of magnitude if one uses the accepted ideas about the big bang dynamics for calculation. In the talk will be shown that the physical essence of emerging problems should first be understood at the level of the transcendental phenomenology. The ground for creating the corresponding phenomenological construction is an introduction into the physical science of a basic energy-containing medium, a sort of an ether, which is identified with the electromagnetic component of the physical vacuum – EM vacuum and which is considered as the basic reference system, tied to the expanding Universe. It is believed that the universe is an open system and the source of energy that feeds the universe is the external false vacuum, which is more energy-intensive than the EM vacuum of our Universe. It is assumed that the energetic power that constantly feeds our universe across the boundary the false vacuum – EM vacuum is equal to the Planck power. In this case, the energy flow entering the universe determines, after the Hubble equation is taken into account, the equation for the dynamics of the universe expansion (an analog of the first Friedmann equation), and the rate of the Universe volume increase determines the operating pressure. It is shown that the energy density  of the EM vacuum calculated on the basis of such representations is in full correspondence with the magnitude (the solution of the 120 orders problem). In accordance with the general Casimir idea, all elementary particles and atomic nuclei in the Universe are open to the EM vacuum, and the Casimir polarization of the EM vacuum in the vicinity of each elementary particle or atomic nucleus is formed. It is shown that it is within the framework of such representations the essence of the gravity phenomenon and the origin of the unique smallness of the gravitational interaction in comparison with the nuclear (strong and weak) and electromagnetic interaction can be understood. It can be assumed that it is the wave propagation of the EM vacuum perturbation was recorded in the recent LIGO observation, and this disturbance could arise in the collision of two neutron stars or by some other large-scale events.


We report on high-precision measurements (relative accuracy 3 10-5) with the high-resolving mass spectrometer FRS at GSI. Bi ions with an energy of 52 GeV traversed a polycrystalline Gd foil of a thickness of 1.2 mm placed in an external magnetic field of 450 Gauss. The energy loss of these ions after passage the foil was measured as a function of the foil temperature T below and above the ferromagnetic Curie temperature TC of about 19 ℃. Further, the macroscopic magnetization M of the used Gd foil was measured as a function of the foil temperature T. The data showed the well-known drop of M approaching TC from lower temperatures. Due to an applied external magnetic field, M does not disappear at TC but exists up-to much higher temperatures reaching 90 ℃. Subtraction of effects due to the thermal expansion and due to a measured asymmetric change of the appearing charge-state distribution of the Bi ions when traversing the Gd foil, the remaining relative energy-loss change (δE/dE)corr increased between 5 ℃ and 98 ℃ from 0 to 1.1(5) 10-3. Between 13 ℃ and 15 ℃ a sharp increase of 0.26(3) 10-3 was observed. A presentation of (δE/dE)corr as a function of the negative logarithm of M, namely –ln M, showed an interesting regular step-wise behavior.



Adrianus M M Pruisken completed his PhD from Brown University. After postdoctoral studies at Heidelberg University and being a Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton he joined the Columbia University faculty in New York. His current research interests cover the topological and non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory, primarily focused on applications in condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. He has contributed to a variety of fields including quantum critical phenomena, Anderson localization and interaction phenomena, the quantum Hall effect, the Coulomb blockade, single electron transistors and quantum spin chains. He is the Lead Researcher of many of the ground breaking experiments, conducted at Princeton and Amsterdam, on the nature of the quantum Hall plateau transition.


The quantum Hall effect as observed in semiconductor devices is one of the most interesting and outstanding experimental realizations of the so called Ó¨ vacuum concept in quantum field theory. In this talk, I will review some of the major advances and persistent mistakes that have spanned the subject for more than three decades. I will show how the physics of the quantum Hall effect sheds new light on the notorious strong coupling problems in theoretical physics.This includes the concept of integral topological charge and the conflicting ideas pursued by different schools of thought, in particular, the instanton picture of the Ó¨ vacuum and the large N picture. As a second novel feature I will address the topological classification of field configurations in the bulk and edge modes. This classification has major consequences for quantum field theory where the existence of massless chiral edge excitations was historically unrecognized. I will discuss how the concept of super universality emerges from the existence of these critical edge modes. In dramatic contrast to the historical expectations, super universality tells us that the basic feautures of the quantum Hall effect (i.e. robust quantization, quantum criticality of the plateau transitions etc.) are all intrinsic topological features of the Ó¨ vacuum which are independent of the mathematical details (such as the number of field components or replica method) as well as physical details of the theory (such as the presence or absence of interaction effects). In the last part of this talk I will present the recent advances made on super universality in dimerised SU(N) quantum spin chains. This includes the Haldane mapping onto the sigma model and the numerical simulations that demonstrate the basic principlles of super universality.


Daniele Fargion is an Italian Physics Professor of Rome University 1, associated INFN, he completed his first degree at Technion, Israel. He had published more than 163 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputed journal. 


Since a decade the cube kilometer IceCube neutrino detector did collect several hundreds of thousands of neutrinos events spread over the sky, at TeVs energies, all the atmospheric nature, mainly dominated by muon track component. However, in the last four years the sudden rise above 60 TeV up PeV energy neutrino of 54 events, whose main signature (cascade showers) became suggestive of the injection by a new, expected, ruling astrophysical component. Indeed, the GRB average power fluence is comparable with the observed new neutrino cascade signals. But no GRB among a thousand was found correlated with those neutrino tracks or cascades. Nor blazing AGN or BL Lac correlated with these new astrophysical highest energy neutrino events. Moreover, there is a dozen of neutrino events above 200 TeV whose flavor is not yet showering as a tau flavor, even it could be observed by its double bang. Finally, at 6.3 PeV energy, a Glashow resonance might rise by antineutrino electron scattering on electrons. This resonance, greatly enhanced respect more common neutrino-nucleon interaction, is absent. Either a sudden cut off should occur or some puzzle is wondering. These chains of missing observations stand in favor of a radical solution: most (at least two thirds) of the observed signals are just prompt charmed atmospheric neutrino; maybe only a minor component of an astrophysical nature might be a part of these highest energy IceCube neutrinos. The tau appearance is a key prove (and its absence, a disclaimer) of any neutrino astronomy.


J Buitrago is a Professor of Physics at the University of La Laguna in Tenerife, Spain. His research activities have been on a wide range of disciplines such as General Relativity, Relativistic Quantum Theory, Gauge Theories, Cosmology, some areas of Astrophysics, Gravitational Waves and Cosmology. He has imparted undergraduate and graduate courses on Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, General Relativity, Cosmology and Gauge Theories. He has directed five doctoral thesis and published more than 30 articles. He was also visiting fellow during six months at the University College of Cardiff as well as three months in Cambridge.   


Starting with a not very much known relation between the Lorentz group and the Lorentz Force in plain words, between the geometry of Minkowskian spacetime and electromagnetic forces, we generalize this idea to Weyl 2-spinor space and obtain a coupled linear spinor first order differential equations equivalent to the Lorentz Force. We discuss some solutions which have no counterpart within the tensor formalism describing intrinsic spin ½, it is known that every tensor equation can be written in 2-spinor form while the opposite assertion is not necessarily true. Next, a Lagrangian density having units of energy per unit length defined along the classical path of the particle and a U (1) local gauge symmetry with a field coupling in terms of the field strength quantities (instead of the usual four potentials) is proposed. Next, we extend the former description to SU (3) non-abelian symmetry and obtain classical spinor equations describing the dynamics, in the classical, high energy limit, of quark-quark (or antiquark) interactions mediated by gluonic color forces. From the eight gluon fields associated with SU (3), it is shown that two of them (colorless but not in a single combination) give rise to the same kind of interaction described by electrodynamics. We end the presentation, with an informal discussion about an eventual reformulation of the standard model in the 2-spinor language having, as a classical limit, the spinor equations that have been previously considered.



In this report authors discuss features of some topological methods for baryogenesis and phase transition, including models with an extended NMSSM scalar sector at finite temperatures. The classic picture of baryogenesis in grand unification theories has changed significantly with the specification and standard model development and the phase diagram of electroweak interactions with experimental data on Higgs boson physics. Currently (especially after the discovery of a particle candidate for Higgs boson role) the minimal extension of the scalar sector has a less likely to be realized, therefore, an important role is played by researching of the non-minimal extensions. In previous papers authors considered a general scalar Higgs sector, including the violation of CP-invariance and temperature corrections for control parameters. Conditions for effective potential of the model NMSSM that lead to the phase transition of the first order strong required for the generation of the observed baryon asymmetry. Additional chiral field plays here the role of the phase transition stabilizing foam. The feature of the upcoming research is that the violations of symmetries and temperature contributions of the self-potential affect the dark sector is supersymmetric models, which could have consequences for cosmology. That is to significantly change the mass of the cold dark matter particles and intensity of their interaction with other particles and the ability to participate in electroweak decays, including the decay of Higgs bosons. Results for Higgs fields in the case of CP-violating and temperature corrections are used for dark sector physical parameters calculations. Also, the annihilation of neutralinos in the framework of quantum field theory in conjunction with Feynman diagram approach was taking into account with one-loop corrections. Temperature one-loop effective potential for NMSSM is reconstructed, including self-energy corrections (i.e., corrections to the mass parameters of dimension 2 of the Higgs potential). Physical mass condition is determined and the one-loop corrections to the dimensionless parameters of the effective potential are evaluated in the framework of non-minimal supersymmetric model (NMSSM). General case is investigated for calculations of one-loop diagrams with different masses in finite temperature field theory, some representations of infinite series and generalized function of Hurwitz are proposed. Surfaces of the stationary points in space background fields and matrix stability are reconstructed, including difference from SM physical basis in alignment limit. The first and second differential forms are implemented for the effective potential. Scenarios of stationary points are in determination, extreme curves and surfaces based on the definition of Grobner bases will be also considered later.


V A Smolyanskiy received his Master’s degree from Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). At present, I am a post-graduate student in TPU. I study under the program «Photonics, Instrument Making, Optical and Bioengineering Systems and Technologies», specialty «Instruments and Methods of Control over Environment, Substances, Materials and Products». I also work in the research and production laboratory "Betatron tomography of large-sized objects". My research is devoted to innovative and highly effective methods for generating hard bremsstrahlung with a photon energy of more than 1 MeV for use in high-resolution tomography.


The production of a microfocus radiation source based on relativistic electron beams is important for high resolution radiography and tomography. Ordinary betatrons generating secondary hard radiation caused by interaction of the internal electron beam with the target (typically a thick target), that is larger in its area than the cross section of the millimeter-size beam, are used for obtaining the images of a number of objects. But, in [1, 2] the idea was proposed to use internal target much smaller than diameter of the electron beam of the cyclic accelerator to reduce the focal spot of the generated Bremstrahlung. Here, if the beam will circulate for a sufficiently long time on the radius of the micro-target location, then, due to betatron oscillations, electrons will fall on such a target with a sufficiently high efficiency. This paper presents the results obtained for generation of linear-microfocus Bremsstrahlung under interaction of 18 MeV electrons with thin target which was oriented along the direction of the internal beam of the B–18 betatron in order that the electrons can interact with the narrow front face of the target. Magnified images of the compound steel object have been obtained using the radiations generated in the narrow internal Ta targets, the width of which is approximately 100 times smaller than the diameter of the electron beam. The formation of the object structure image with participation of the absorption and phase contrast effects is shown. The study has shown the possibility to successfully generate hard radiation in a narrow target which width is about one hundred times smaller than the diameter of the betatron electron beam, and to use this radiation for obtaining the magnified high-resolution images of micro-defects into products made of heavy materials with participation both the absorption and phase contrast effects in formation of the images. In our case, the radiation spectrum of the betatron generated in narrow internal targets extends from several keV to 18 MeV. For light targets, the images of non-thick objects are formed by a soft part of the radiation spectrum. In our case of heavy target, the radiation spectrum is dominated by hard radiation due to strong absorption of radiation of the soft part of the bremsstrahlung spectrum in the target. The radiation generated in such target is applicable for obtaining images of thick objects made from heavy materials. The images of a compound object consisted of four steel bars demonstrated the high resolution of a series of 10 μm gaps between adjacent bars due to the small horizontal size of the focal spot of the linear microfocus bremsstrahlung source. The results also demonstrate the edge phase contrast due to the high degree of spatial coherence of the radiation. The obtained results attest to the high quality of the radiation beam generated by new microfocus source based on compact betatron that can also be used in a laboratory physical experiment, for example, in materials science to study internal interfaces of media, microdefects and micro-inclusions in the heavy composite materials. In our case, the 18-MeV betatron-based linear microfocus source generates bremsstrahlung with a spectrum up to the electron energy, while the microfocus X-ray tubes widely used for various purposes have so far reached the photon energy of 750 keV.


Arakelyan M M is working as a Senior Lecturer. She has graduated from the Yerevan State University, 1968 and completed her Post Graduate from Yerevan Teacher's Training College, 1970. She was a Candidate of Phys. Math. Sciences (PhD), Yerevan State University, 1979. Her research interests include: theory of solid state and semiconductor physics (low-dimensional electronic systems) and X-ray investigations of real crystals. Her subsidiary research interests include: theory of solitons. She was a        Scientific Researcher from 1969 at Yerevan State University. She has 90 publications in repute journals.


It is well known that the motion of dislocation in aluminum takes the quantum regime at low temperatures. It is shown that the action of low temperatures is similar to the action of high Peierls barrier. For description of dislocation phenomena, we used the one-dimensional Frenkel-Contorova (FC) model and sine Gordon equation with and without friction. The (FC) dislocation in aluminum during overcoming Peierls's potential can be considered as topological soliton. The modelling of the dislocation motion process of quantum regime with real constants gives the possibility to investigate the nature of dislocations motion in the Peierls potential, to reveal his radical difference from free movement of dislocations. The theoretical assessment of possibility of the (FC) dislocation motion by means of tunneling is done. The modelling of fields of shifts, speeds and strain-stress dependence at motion of dislocation shows tunneling phenomenon. Thus, the theoretical calculation and mathematical simulation enables us to conclude that if the high Peierls barrier (or low temperatures) is taken into account, the (FC) dislocation is moving by way of kink tunneling. The received results explain abnormal reduction of tension of a plastic current in aluminum at low temperatures.

George Yury Matveev

IT consultant, Sweden

Title: Motley string or from 10 to 4

George Yury Matveev has graduated from Leningrad State University, USSR in 1990 with Diploma in Geophysics and his diploma thesis was entitled as String Model and Computer Simulation of Solar Flares. His first job after graduation was Junior Researcher in Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Department of Plasma Physics and Astrophysics, Laboratory of Plasma-Gaso dynamics where he did research of Ion-acoustic waves in plasma. He started working as IT consultant in St. Petersburg, Russia. Among his former IT employers were: Motorola, LGE, Nokia, Ericsson, etc. He currently works as IT consultant on various projects in Stockholm, Sweden doing research in Mathematics and Physics in his spare time.


All known string models (Bosonic, Superstring, Heterotic) are formulated in multi-dimensional space-time. To get to realistic and observable four-dimensional world requires a new type of theory. To avoid all inconsistencies, present in known approaches to compactification we propose motley string model, which treats all spacial dimensions equally and complies with a known experimental material. First, we formulate two postulates: Postulate 1: Every spacial dimension of string has a unique intrinsic property which we call color. Postulate 2: There is a force between spacial dimensions of string such that it makes dimensions of complementary colors (Redi, Greeni, Bluei) interact and unite in a colorless thread perceived as observable dimensions. Color property of string's spacial dimensions is somewhat similar to three color charges of quarks in quantum chromodynamics, but has a different meaning, since it is viewed here as intrinsic characteristic of spacial dimensions in motley string theory corresponding to different values of string tension tensor Ti in different dimensions. String state at very high energies (early universe, Planck length about 10-33cm) is such that all string spacial dimensions are in a free state like quark-gluon plasma of quantum chromodynamics. At lower energies (modern universe) strong color force becomes dominant and makes string's complimentary (or using classical optics term "additive") spacial dimensions (Redi, Greeni, Bluei) interact to form three threads (in case of 9+1-dimensional Superstring) which appear to be colorless from distances larger than size of baryons (proton and neutron). Spacial dimensions of additive colors are glued together. Outside of Planck energy scale, spacial dimensions are confined in colorless three-dimensional threads. Since in our model all spacial dimensions are treated uniformly we avoid questions like why some spacial dimensions are compactified while others are not? Also, there are no standing waves in curved dimensions of Klein compactification and therefore no extra mass values (Kaluza-Klein tower). Equally important there is no need for Calabi-Yau and somewhat artificial large extra dimensions models invented to explain unseen spacial dimensions. Motley string model and an idea of colorful spacial dimensions introduced in this article offer consistent and uniform approach to compactification problem present in all String models (Superstring, Bosonic, Heterotic). It eliminates inconsistencies of compactification solutions proposed earlier (Kaluza-Klein, Calabi-Yau manifolds). Also, it explains quark/gluon confinement and many elementary particle generations (6 quarks and 6 leptons) of standard model. At the same time, our model explains dark matter/energy puzzle of modern astrophysics.


Kentaro Hara has completed his Master's degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University. He is pursuing his Doctoral course at the Tokyo University of Science. He has published a paper in reputed journals like Journal of Geometry and Physics.


A deformation quantization with separation of variables is one of wellknown quantizations of Kahler manifolds. Explicit expressions of the quantization for CN , CPN and CHN were known. We derive algebraic recurrence relations to obtain a deformation quantization with separation of variables for a locally symmetric Kahler manifold. CN , CPN and CHN were locally symmetric Kahler manifolds and Riemann surfaces are also locally symmetric Kahler manifolds. It is not easy to solve the recurrence relations but some are solvable. We found a deformation quantization with separation of variables for Riemann surfaces.


Jian-Ming Shen is pursuing his PhD in Chongqing University. His research interests are in Physics at the Large Hadron Collider and other experiments, including precision QCD to improve the standard model prediction and searching for the new physics beyond the standard model. He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals.


The complete next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order short-distance and bound-state QCD corrections to Upsilon(1S) leptonic decay rate has been finished by Beneke et al. Based on those improvements, we present a renormalization group (RG) improved pQCD prediction for the decay width by applying the principle of maximum conformality (PMC). Based on RG-invariance, PMC provides a rigorous method for eliminating renormalization scheme-and-scale ambiguities for perturbative QCD predictions. The PMC scale-setting procedure utilizes the RGE recursively to unambigously identify the occurrence and pattern of nonconformal beta-terms at each order in a pQCD expansion, and determines the optimal renormalization scales by absorbing all occurrences of the beta-terms into the scales of the running coupling at each order of perturbation theory. After applying the PMC, all known-type of beta-terms at all orders, which are controlled by the RG-equation, are resummed to determine optimal renormalization scale for its strong running coupling at each order. We then achieve a scale-fixed, scheme-independent and more accurate pQCD prediction. The pQCD convergence could, in principle, be greatly improved due to the elimination of divergent renormalon terms. The PMC prediction for the Upsilon(1S) leptonic decay reads, 1.270^ {+0.137} _ {−0.187} keV, where the uncertainty is the squared average of the mentioned pQCD errors. This RG-improved pQCD prediction agrees with the experimental measurement within errors, i.e. 1.340(18) keV.

Allanur Ansari

National Infotech College, Nepal

Title: The Allan hypothesis


The Big bang, quasi steady state, quantum graviton fluid, internal inflation is not the truth and are not able to define the origin of universe. There was no singularity and the space-time already existed before the universe existed. Our universe is not alone rather there is multiverse. The matter and energy contained presently in our universe cannot be contracted into a very small volume and hence our universe is not from any primordial ball or from any singularity. The different universes are under space-time curvature so the researches like WMAP, Hubble’s law and observatory research by Mr. Wilson and physicist Guth are not capable of determining the other universe. The universe is expanding and is accelerated but the universe will get contracted as space has an elasticity limit. The universe also loses and gains energy during contraction and expansion, but this process is not as usual. It is concluded that space inside which the multiverse lies, and mass-energy equivalence is balanced. No string field responsible for branes is found. Limit of space is supposed where it’s peak point has no effect of time i.e. the space ends here. The entropy will be negative, and the second law of thermodynamics contradicts here. This space has its own inertial resistance. Dark matter is the residue of universe and are made up of fractional neutrinos. I have my own better model describing the origin and end of universe. Here the universe has existence and will end too. The universe is in 4th dimension and none of the existing theories are able to conclude the phenomena of universe. This model can quench the history of the whole system in which the multiverse exist and also the end of universe.

  • High Energy Nuclear Physics | Particle and Nuclear Physics | Atomic and Molecular Physics| Electromagnetism
Location: Olimpica 3+4


Bradley S Meyer

Clemson University, USA



D A Howe

University of Colorado, USA

Session Introduction

Hervé Mohrbach

Université de Lorraine, France

Title: Fadeev-Jackiw quantization of non-autonomous singular systems

Hervé Mohrbach is Professor of Physics at the University of Lorraine. He has published more than 50 papers in theoretical physics in reputed journals.


The quantization of constrained systems was first considered by Dirac who elaborated on a Hamiltonian approach with a categorization of constraints and the introduction of the Dirac brackets. More recently Faddeev and Jackiw have proposed an alternative approach based on the symplectic formalism and Darboux theorem which can often avoid many of the steps of Dirac method. Both approaches were developed for autonomous constrained systems only. Gitman and Tyutin, via notably the introduction of a conjugate momentum of time, could extend Dirac approach and brackets for the case of non-autonomous singular systems. In this presentation an extension of the Faddeev-Jackiw method in order to solve the problem of time dependent constraints will be considered. For that purpose a time parameter is introduced to treat the real time as a dynamically variable, which is accompanied by the emergence of a gauge symmetry. This one is fixed with the help of a supplementary variable that plays the role of a new conserved Hamiltonian. From it, we deduce a generalization of the Hamilton equations for non-autonomous systems that lead to the correct equations of motion. With this extension of the usual Hamiltonian formalism we can obtain the most general form of the Schrödinger equation, valid for singular non-autonomous systems as well. The method is exemplified by the quantization of the damped harmonic oscillator and applied to the relativistic point like particle in an external electromagnetic field. This system meets specific difficulties such as a null Hamiltonian and the presence of a gauge symmetry due to the arbitrary choice of the time parametrization. We will see that the Faddeev-Jackiw approach for non-autonomous systems can be straightforwardly applied to this case. The quantization method could be generalized to a particle moving in a curved space and more generally to the case of time invariant reparametrization systems.


Vladimir G Plekhanov has graduated from Tartu State University in 1968, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics). His main interest fields include: the origin of the mass (quantization of matter) as well as the experimental manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction in the spectroscopy of solids. He is author of 197 publications both in English and Russian. His main books: Isotope Effects in Solid State Physics (Academic Press, San Diego, 2001); Isotope - Based Quantum Information (Springer, Heidelberg, 2012); Isotope Effects: Physics and Applications (Palmarium Academic Press, Saarbrucken, Deutschland, 2014) (in Russian); Isotopes in Condensed Matter (Springer, Heidelberg, 2013); Isotope Effect - Macroscopical Manifestation of the Strong Interaction (Lambert Academic Publishing, Deutschland, 2017) (in Russian).


Up to present time the macroscopical manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction are limited by radioactivity and the release of nuclear energy. Our communication is devoted to the description of the significantly new mechanism the strong force manifestation. Activation of the strong interaction by adding of one neutron to the nucleus causes the global reconstruction of the macroscopic characteristics of solids. We have studied the low - temperature optical spectra of the LiH and LiD insulator crystals (figure 1) which differ by term of one neutron from each other. As demonstrated early, most low energy electron excitation in LiH crystals are large radius excitons. In experiments we used the samples with clean surface cleaving in the bath of helium cryostat with normal or superfluid liquid helium. The samples with such surface allow to perform measurements for 15 hours. Exciton luminescence is observed when LiH crystals are excited in the fundamental absorption. The spectrum of exciton photoluminescence of LiH crystals cleaved in superfluid helium consists of narrow phononless emission line and its broader phonon replicas which arise due to radiative annihilation of excitons with the production of one to five LO phonons. As an example, the figure 2 shows the low - temperature (T=2K) photoluminescence spectra of LiH and LiD crystals. Comparison the experimental results on the luminescence spectra in the crystals which differ by one neutron only is allowed to the next conclusions. The addition of one neutron (using LiD crystals instead LiH ones) is involved in the increase of exciton energy on 103 meV. At the addition of one neutron the energy of LO phonons are decreased to 36 meV, that is direct seen also from luminescence spectra. As far as the gravitation, electromagnetic and weak interactions are the same of both crystals, it only changes the strong interaction therefore a logical conclusion is made that the renormalization of the energy of electromagnetic excitations (excitons, phonons) is carried out by the strong nuclear interaction. The last conclusion opens new avenue in the investigations of the strong nuclear interaction (QCD) using by means the condensed matter alike traditional nuclear methods (including accelerating technique).


D A Howe is a Research Advisor to the Time and Frequency Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Colorado University Physics Department, Boulder, CO. His expertise includes time-series analysis, automated accuracy evaluation of primary cesium standards, reduction of oscillator acceleration sensitivity, and precision spectral analysis. He worked with David Wineland from 1973 to 1987 doing advanced research on NIST’s primary cesium standard and compact hydrogen and ammonia standards. He developed and built the first operating compact hydrogen masers in 1979, led and implemented global high-accuracy satellite-based time-synchronization among national laboratories in the maintenance of Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).


Atomic clocks (or oscillators) form the basis of standard, everyday timekeeping. Separated, hi-accuracy clocks can maintain nanosecond-level autonomous synchronization for many days. The world’s best Cs time standards are atomic fountains that use convenient RF quantum transition at 9,192,631,770 Hz and reach total frequency uncertainties of 2.7 – 4×10-16 with many days of averaging time. A new class of optical atomic standards with quantum transitions having +1×10-15 uncertainty drives an optical frequency-comb divider (OFD), thus providing exceptional phase stability, or ultra-low phase noise (ULPN), at convenient RF frequencies. In terms of time, this means that a 1 ns time difference wouldn’t occur in a network of clocks for 15 days. I show how the combination of high atomic accuracy and low-phase noise coupled with reduced size, weight, and power usage pushes certain limits of physics to unlock a new paradigm – creating networks of separated oscillators that maintain extended phase coherence, or a virtual lock, with no means of synchronization whatsoever except at the start. This single property elevates their usage to a vast array of applications that extend far beyond everyday timekeeping. I show how accurate oscillators with low-phase noise dramatically improves: position, navigation, and timing; high-speed communications, private messaging and cryptology, and spectrum sharing. This talk outlines game-changing possibilities in these four areas to the degree that clock properties are sustained in application environments. I will show a summary of several ongoing US programs in which the commercial availability of such low-phase noise, atomic oscillators are now a real possibility.


Ahmed M Hamed is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Mississippi. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Cyclotron Institute, and had concurrently been a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Physics Department, at Texas A&M University. He was involved in the experimental high-energy nuclear physics research in the STAR Collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).


World-wide efforts over the past half-century have produced a remarkably successful theoretical framework, the standard model (SM) describing matter and energy (only ~4% of the Universe) in a flat 4-dimensional spacetime, as built of certain constituents, interacting through specific forces according to general principles of symmetry, relativity, and quantum mechanics. The SM of particle physics predicts two phase transitions that are relevant for the evolution of the early universe; one occurs at temperatures of a few hundred GeV (electroweak symmetry breaking), and another is expected to occur at ~200 MeV (chiral symmetry breaking). The prediction for the latter phase to be created in a domain where complete analytical calculations are unobtainable increase the challenges at the theoretical level. Nevertheless, this situation provides an exciting opportunity for an experimentalist to lead the endeavor, hence the relativistic heavy-ion program, which was proposed in 1974. The relativistic heavy ion experiments are constructed to produce the quark gluon plasma (QGP), a proposed precursor phase to the big bang nucleosynthesis, after setting the stage for one of the most important signatures of the QGP, Jet Quenching, I'll discuss whether it can be considered as unequivocal evidence for such phase.

Michele Iacovacci

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Title: Results from ARGO-YBJ

Michele Iacovacci is an Associate Professor of Physics, teaching for students of Engineering and Physics faculties. His main interest is in Astroparticle and Particle Physics. He has more than 130 citable papers (published or arXiv).


The ARGO-YBJ experiment has operated at the Yangbajing cosmic ray (CR) laboratory (Tibet, PR China, 4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm2) from November 2007 until February 2013. The detector consisted of a single layer (6700 m2) of RPCs operating in streamer mode, with a full coverage approach (sensitive area equal to 93% of the geometric one). The digital readout of the signal (strip) provided a high spatial and temporal resolution in the shower front reconstruction for shower energy lower than a few hundred TeV. With an analog readout, in operation since December 2009 on 5800 m2, the experiment was able to measure higher energies and access the knee region of the CR spectrum. Major targets of the experiment were the gamma astronomy up to tens of TeV; the gamma-ray bursts physics; the measurement of the antiproton/proton ratio at the TeV energies; the physics of the sun and the heliosphere. CR physics, with special attention to anisotropy and composition around the knee of the spectrum. Here we report a summary of main scientific achievements.


Marius Arghirescu has a Doctorate in Science and Engineering of Materials, from Politechnica University of Bucharest and he works as Patent Examiner at State Office for Inventions and Trademarks in Romania. He is a Scientist in Physics and Inventor. He has published three books and more than 25 papers as a single author in national and international reviews and has more than 30 patented invention. He is the author of a Cold Genesis Theory of Matter, published in the book: The Cold Genesis of Matter and Fields and in some additional papers.


The paper is based on a theory developed by author in the book: The Cold Genesis of Matter and Fields , which argues the cold genesis of elementary particles in a very strong magnetic field, of a magnetar or a gravistar, in accordance with a resulted quasi-crystalline model of quark and particle- resulted as Bose-Einstein condensate of N gammons, considered as pairs (e*+ - e*-) of quasi-electrons with diminished mass me*, charge e*and magnetic moment me*, whose etherono-quantonic vortex of the magnetic moment: G*m(r) = GA + GB , formed of sinergonic etherons (ms » 10-60 kg)- generating the magnetic potential A and of quantons (mh = h/c2 = 7.37x10-51 kg) generating vortex-tubes that materializes the field lines of magnetic induction B, explains the nuclear force as an attraction of the nucleon’s impenetrable volume in the field of 2N- superposed vortices G*m(r) of another nucleon. The theory, which predicted the existence of a preon z0» 34 me, experimentally evidenced in 2015 but considered as X- boson of a fifth force, of leptons to quark binding, argues a preonic model of quarks whose stability was explained by a quasi-crystalline model of z0-preon and of the quark core. In the proposed paper, based on a quasi-crystalline preonic quark model, with hexagonal symmetry, there are identified as possible dark matter constituents some bosons of quantum vacuum with null charge, (quasi)null magnetic moment and with stability comparable to those of particles from the cosmic radiation, resulted by the kernel’s crystallinity with hexagonal or triangular symmetry, with masses corresponding to the relations: MZ = åK(n1×zp + n2×z2); MZ’ = åK(n1×6z0+n2×3z0), with: zp = 7z0; z2 = 4z0; K = 1¸7; n1 = 1¸4;  n2£ n1. It results also some predictions for multi-quark particles of cold genesis such as: 2685.4 me tetra-quark; 3063.8 me penta-quark; 2720 me, 3672.4 me hexa-quark; 3329 me, 4762.2 me hepta-quark.


Xin Chen has obtained his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University, China.


Searching for new physics signatures in the Higgs sector is an important goal at current and future colliders. It is found that in an effective field theory, the process of pp®VH*®VVV is very sensitive to the anomalous dim-6 couplings of a heavy Higgs, for which the LHC can potentially give some hints. With the high luminosity data from LHC, the CP property of the light Higgs at 125 GeV can be studied in its ditau decay channel. The CP mixing angle measurement can be further refined at future e+e- colliders, which may open the door to new physics.


Valentina Markova has graduated from Sofia Technical University, specialty in Radio Equipment regular training and also from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, specialty in Mathematics and Informatics as a distance learning. She has completed her PhD from Scientific Institute of Ministry of Military Defense in 1990. The topic was on algebraic codes, which correct in real time long error packets. She has Postdoctoral studies from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where she works until today as a Leading Researcher. She has published more than 15 papers on algebraic and technical topics.


The report develops a new type positive feedback that converts each classical amplifier into a generator. The feedback is a tube of nested one in the other accelerated longitudinal vortices. They suck in transverse direction free cross vortices from the environment. They suck in cross vortices also from the nearest outside adjacent cylinders to the inner cylinders and add some mass and energy to the tube. In this way longitudinal vortices forming the tube accelerate not only at a time and in a direction (from the periphery to the center) and become a kind of generator. The positive feedback turns from passive to active. The theoretical basis of the proposed pipe of accelerating longitudinal vortices is described in previous articles. It consists of extending to Maxwell's main axiom (div rot E=0) to a more universal axiom (div rot E≠0). This means that it replaces even motion (constant velocity) of vector E in a closed loop with uneven motion (variable velocity) of vector E in open loop or in open vortex. The base of practical performance is the well-known amplifier of which we construct an active positive feedback. This allows to construct an electric motor that consumes external energy only at the beginning, and then it consumes from amplifier with active positive feedback.

Adriana Palffy

Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany

Title: Laser-nucleus reactions at the upcoming extreme light infrastructure

Adriana Palffy has studied Physics in Bucharest, Romania, and received her PhD in Theoretical Physics at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. Since 2011 she is the Leading Scientist of the group Nuclear and Atomic Quantum Dynamics at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. She is an expert in the field of Laser-Matter Interaction, with more than 40 papers published in peer-reviewed journals.


Recent experimental developments in laser physics promise to open the new field of laser-induced nuclear reactions in a so-far unexplored domain. Efforts are under way to generate a multi-MeV laser beam at the Nuclear Physics Pillar of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI). Bound by the strong force, nuclei typically do not show any response even to extremely intense optical fields, which can only induce nuclear reactions indirectly, as they are very efficient in transferring kinetic energy to charged particles. Laser-driven nuclear accelerators using intense optical fields are thus one candidate for nuclear physics experiments with strong external fields. In this context, we would like to report on our study of laser-driven recollisions of alpha particles immediately following alpha decay. With the new laser beam envisaged at ELI that would attain photon energies comparable to typical nuclear excitation energies, strong nuclear excitation is rendered possible. We could show that laser-nucleus reactions with such a beam leads to multiple photon absorption and may produce compound nuclei in the so-far unexplored regime of several hundred MeV excitation energies. We have investigated semi quantitatively the competition between photon absorption, photon-induced nucleon emission, fission and neutron evaporation. With neutron evaporation becoming dominant before the excitation is saturated, proton-rich nuclei far off the line of stability are produced. Stronger excitation in the sudden regime where equilibration cannot compensate photon absorption may offer for the first time the possibility to study the transition from a bound system of strongly correlated nucleons to single independent particles.

Alison M Brennan

Cavendish Laboratory - University of Cambridge, UK

Title: The relativistic hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole on the nucleus

Alison M Brennan is a PhD student in the Astrophysics group in the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge. She had a previous career as a Software Engineer in the electronics industry.


The addition of a magnetic monopole to the nucleus of hydrogen atom was first considered by Malkus in 1951. More recently Lynden-Bell and Nouri-Zonoz in 1998, have determined the energy levels and spectra of the Schrodinger hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole on the nucleus. They have also found the energy levels of the Dirac hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole on the nucleus. The work of Lynden-Bell and Nouri-Zonoz is extended by finding the angular part of the solution of Pauli equation for the hydrogen atom with monopole on the nucleus. These two-spinor solutions may be named the generalized spherical spinors. The angular part of the solution of the Dirac hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole is then constructed from the generalized spherical spinors from which complete solutions of the relativistic hydrogen atom with magnetic monopole are then obtained.